Appetite suppressants have become extremely popular in recent years for their effectiveness in helping people to lose weight. As the name suggests, they are medications you take to help suppress your appetite. They also make you feel full more quickly once you do eat. This means, in theory, that you eat less food and therefore lose weight.
They are designed to be used in conjunction with diet and exercise and, therefore, can help you to lose a significant amount of weight, more than with diet and exercise alone. Google Trends data shows there is an increase in people searching for appetite suppressants and the names of well-known appetite suppressant medications.
With so many different appetite suppressants on the market, you’re probably wondering which one you should choose. In this article, we break down what appetite suppressants are and how they work and try to answer the question, “What is the best appetite suppressant UK”?
What are appetite suppressants?
Appetite suppressants are a type of weight-loss medication that helps people lose weight by making them feel full. There are many different types of appetite suppressants on the market, all of which claim to make you lose weight by lessening your appetite and making you feel fuller for longer. Appetite suppressants were designed to help those who are obese lose weight more easily and live a healthier lifestyle.
They work by making you feel less hungry or making you feel fuller faster, and for longer, after eating less food. As a result of this, you consume fewer calories and lose weight.
There are many different types of appetite suppressants on the market, from prescription-only medication to natural appetite suppressants you can buy over the counter.
It’s important to note that appetite suppressants aren’t as effective on their own. They work their best when combined with a healthy diet, reduced calorie intake and regular physical activity.
How do appetite suppressants work?
Appetite suppressants work by tricking the brain into thinking that you are full and, therefore, stop you from feeling hungry. They do this by sending messages to the neurochemical transmitters within the central nervous system and blocking or increasing specific hormones and/or peptides in the body. Each appetite suppressant works differently and targets different chemicals, but they, generally, work in a similar way – making you feel less hungry and fuller faster and for longer.
Are appetite suppressants safe to use?
Appetite suppressants are generally safe to use as long as you take them as prescribed. It’s always best to consult a medical professional before starting any new type of medication or supplement.

What are natural appetite suppressants?
Natural appetite suppressants are herbal extracts, compounds or other ingredients that can decrease your appetite naturally. Unlike prescription weight loss products, many natural appetite suppressants are found organically in things and can be made into easily administered products that can be purchased over the counter without the need for a prescription. This makes them much more easily accessible to individuals, and they don’t have to visit the doctor several times to get a prescription.
Most natural appetite suppressants work to decrease your hunger levels and increase feelings of fullness. Many of the ingredients contain compounds and nutrients that can help manage your appetite and enhance your metabolism.
What is the best appetite suppressant UK?
Now you understand what appetite suppressants are and how appetite suppressants work, you’re probably wondering which is the best appetite suppressant for you. Below, we’ll outline the most popular appetite suppressants on the market today, explaining how they work and the positives and negatives of each. This will help you make an informed decision on what is the best appetite suppressant UK.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about Ozempic, originally developed to treat diabetes it has also been known to work as an appetite suppressant, which can help people lose weight. Popularised by celebrities, Ozempic is a branded medicine with the active ingredient semaglutide.
Semaglutide, also the active ingredient in Wegovy, another popular weight loss medicine, is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 helps regulate blood sugar levels by helping the body produce more insulin when needed, which suppresses the amount of glucose produced in the liver. Semaglutide works to slow down stomach emptying, making people feel fuller for longer.
Ozempic isn’t licensed in the UK as a weight loss treatment. However, the active ingredient semaglutide can help to suppress your appetite. Ozempic is a prescription-only medication, so you would need to be prescribed it by your GP, a hospital specialist or a licensed online pharmacist.
Ozempic is administered subcutaneously, which means it is injected under the skin via a needle. It is sold as pre-filled injection pens only to those with a valid prescription and is generally prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes.

Wegovy is another type of weight-loss medication that suppresses appetite. Similar to Ozempic, it has the same active ingredient, semaglutide, and works in the same way by mimicking the GLP-1 hormone, which regulates your appetite, making you feel fuller and reducing cravings. It also slows down your digestive system, which helps you to feel fuller for longer, preventing the desire to snack more between meals, which can help to minimise your calorie intake.
Wegovy is made by the same company as Ozempic but has been designed specifically for weight loss use. It is also a prescription-only medication, taken as an injection once a week and sold as pre-filled injection pens. Wegovy is usually prescribed to people with obesity or who are overweight with at least one weight-related condition.
The needles are injected in areas in the body with the most fat, like the stomach, thighs or upper arms. When taking Wegovy, you will have to change the spot you inject it regularly to prevent soreness and potential reactions.
Saxenda works in a similar way to Wegovy, aiding weight loss by making you feel fuller and reducing your cravings and hunger levels. It contains the active ingredient liraglutide, another synthetic version of the naturally occurring hormone GLP-1. GLP-1 is released from the gut after you eat and helps to regulate blood sugar levels, helping you to feel full and reducing calorie intake.
Saxenda is taken daily in injection form, under the skin, using an injection pen. The best places to inject it are in areas with the most fat, such as the stomach, thighs or upper arms. You do have to change injection sites regularly to prevent pain, as you will need to inject yourself daily.
Saxenda is a prescription-only weight-loss medication that will have to be prescribed to you by a GP or other medical professional. It is prescribed to those who are obese or overweight with a health related condition.

Mounjaro is another type of medication designed to treat type 2 diabetes. It works similarly to Ozempic, and the active ingredients can help people to lose weight.
It contains the active ingredient tirzepatide, which works on two different hormonal receptors: GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). As previously mentioned, GLP-1 helps to regulate blood sugar levels, preventing cravings and making you feel less hungry while slowing down digestion so you feel fuller for longer.
GIP regulates energy balance in the brain and fat cells, which enhances GLP-1’s effects on suppressing appetite. Mounjaro is injected under the skin once a week and is a prescription-only medication, where you must follow a strict dosage schedule.
Mounjaro is not currently available in the UK as a treatment for weight loss within the NHS. NICE has recommended it be used as a treatment for obesity or overweight individuals on the NHS, but this is still in review.
Lyposol nasal spray is a natural appetite suppressant that helps to curb your appetite using a natural blend of hemp-derived CBD. Developed by a leading biochemist with over 20 years of expertise in employing minimal ingredients for maximum effectiveness, it’s a safe, fast-acting and affordable natural alternative to Ozempic, Wegovy, Saxenda and other weight loss products.
It is a unique blend of protein-stabilised liposomes (PSL) and hemp-derived CBD that works by delivering these active ingredients through the nasal lining to the hypothalamus, which is the control centre for hunger and satisfaction in the brain. This innovative delivery system uses protein-stabilised liposomes to effectively cross cellular barriers and ensure the efficient distribution of our active ingredients.
One of the best parts about Lyposol is that it’s administered nasally through a simple spray function, which is non-intrusive. Unlike many other appetite suppressants that involve regular needle injections, Lyposol is a quick, easy and pain-free alternative. It comes in a bottle with a nasal spray applicator top, which makes it incredibly easy to take even on the go, as it can be slipped into your bag, pocket or suitcase and taken with you wherever you go.
Users of Lypsol have shown weight loss ranging from 5% to 15% of their initial body weight over 8-16 weeks of continuous use. One single bottle of Lyposol is approximately 60 doses, which means it’s a cost-effective alternative to other weight loss products where you get a lot less for a lot more.
Using only essential ingredients with no added chemicals, it’s a natural weight loss solution that minimises the potential of negative side effects and requires no prescription. You can order Lyposol online and start your weight loss journey today.

Struggling to lose weight?
If you’re struggling to lose weight and feel you need something to help kickstart your health journey and boost your willpower, try Lyposol. As a natural appetite suppressant, it helps you to lose weight using a natural blend of ingredients with no unwanted chemicals.
Ready to kickstart your new healthy lifestyle? Try Lyposol today and get the help you need to take those initial challenging steps towards achieving a healthy weight and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.